The Hidden Factor – Now available at bookstores

Another wonderful collaboration with MIT Press, The Hidden Factor is an essay on the importance of physical gesture and human mark-making. Using the Visual Gamut, introduced in FireSigns, it includes a description of the various kinds of marking, and argues that the unique kind of gestural markings made by humans when we do handwriting is one of the most radical of art forms because it treads in that delicate space between the mind (words) and body (expressive movement).

Loniki (font family) - Released August 1, 2023

Inspired by a 5th century inscription, the Loniki family includes Loniki Symbol with 140 social signs. Loniki is a “pseudo-serif” – its flaring stroke shapes make it feel as if it is a serif design. I hope this design provides an elegant and versatile display alternative to the overworked Trajan and Lithos fonts.

>> Download a pdf of the Loniki specimen booklet

>> Order Loniki through DelveFonts

Loniki wins Indigo International Award in Typeface Design

On April 15, it was announced that Loniki has won a Gold Medal in Typeface Design in the Indigo Design Competition in The Netherlands. It also picked up a Best in Category award at the 100 Show AIGA competition in Louisville.

Adobe adds Loniki to its font list

Starting this summer, Loniki will be accessible through all the Adobe Creative Suite platforms.